JAY C Food Stores Seymour Weekly Ad (⏰ Apr 03-Apr 09)
The best prices in the city are waiting for you at the new JAY C Food Stores Seymour Weekly Ad. The offers for this week include card discounts, Buy One Get One promo and always low prices. To take advantage of the savings, visit Offertastic.shop to check online the latest Jay C Food Stores Ad:
JAY C Food Stores Seymour IN Circular - Weekly Specials
Prices Effective 04/03/2024 thru 04/09/2024
Expires in 256 days
🔴 This Circular is good at the following JAY C Food Stores supermarkets in Seymour (Indiana):
Jay C Food Stores E Tipton Street, 1541 E Tipton St Seymour, IN 47274 / Jay C Food Stores W Tipton Street, 1181 W Tipton St Seymour, IN 47274
Top Promotions and Deals in the JAY C Food Stores Seymour IN Weekly Circular Online
In the Jay C Food stores of Seymour, IN … and in the Weekly Circular usually appear items like these:
- Simple Truth Organic Broth, Select Varieties, 32 oz
- Simple Truth Organic Lunch Meat, Select Varieties, 5-6 oz
- Kroger Facial Tissues, 65-160 ct
- Homestyle 80% Lean Ground Beef Patties, 10 ct
- Fairlife Milk, Select Varieties, 52 fl oz
- Home Chef Smoked St. Louis Style BBQ Ribs, 2 lb, Fully Cooked
- Tate’s Bake Shop Cookies, 7 oz
- Private Selection Dip, 10-15 oz
- Twizzlers, Select Varieties, 11-16 oz
- Chocolate Brownies, 16 oz
- Kellogg’s Zesta Saltine Crackers, Select Varieties, 16 oz
- … every week new Jay C Circulars with more promotions!
Featured Sale Items:
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