KEY FOOD Circular For This Week (Jul 14 - Jul 20, 2023)
In the current Key Food Circular For This Week you will find the weekly selection of grocery deals, Mix or Match promotions and other discounts for a limited time. In get food products at the lowest prices by checking this Key Food Sales Ad now:
KEY FOOD Supermarkets Weekly Ad - This Week's Savings
Prices Effective 07/14/2023 thru 07/20/2023
594 Days Left to Expire
Best Promotions and Deals in the KEY FOOD Supermarkets Weekly Ad Online
These are some of the products that are usually selected every week in the Key Food Ad Circular:
Regal Chef Thick Cut Corned Beef (USDA Choice)
Grade A Fresh Perdue Chicken Wings
Carolina Long Grain Rice, 20 Lb Bag, White or Parboiled
La Croix Sparkling Water 12 Pack, 144 Fl Oz Pkg, 12 Oz Assorted Cans
McCain Potatoes 19-32 Oz Bag, Assorted
Xtra Laundry Detergent, 56-97.5 Fl Oz Cont, Assorted
Tree Ripe Orange Juice, 64 Fl Oz Cont
Urban Meadow Party Mix, 28 Oz Cont
Melitta Coffee, 11 Oz Can
Rubinstein’s Pink Salmon, 14.76 Oz Can
Palermo Strawberry, Lemon or Coconut Cake, 40 Oz Pkg